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I recently attended the event at the Gunpowder Museum with Ray Lowe.  It was a terrific day where I learnt SO much about how to take better portraiture.  Ray was witty, slightly controversial at times, charming, extremely knowledgeable with a wealth of experience that he willingly shared.  He answered questions, set challenges and demonstrated the HOW in his work as well as the WHY.  Our models were lovely, very accommodating, flexible and patient as we sought to practice Ray's tips. The TimeLine team, as usual, ensured the day was well-planned, the venue had plenty of rustic and rugged charm, we had plenty of variety and that everyone's needs were met.  It was a super training event, very enjoyable and I learnt so much!  Many thanks - in particular to Ray for sharing his expertise to make us a better photographer!

Belinda E

As always the event ran like clockwork, well organised, great fun and terrific models who entered the spirit of the occasion. Many thanks to the team, models and friendly staff from the museum. Good photo opportunity and a lot of fun!

Ian P

Had a greatly enjoyable day at North Weald last week, the mid-day American Pin-up event Wed 31 Aug, thanks to good weather. A bit bright at times, but manageable (well for those with more skilled than me!), good company and organisation (thanks Neil), not forgetting the very helpful and cooperative models (Annette, Pearl, Sugar and Isabella), nor the Hangar 11 guys and the plane, jeep and motorbike owner who let us use the planes as backdrops...

It was my first such model shoot and not really my scene (he claims!) but was good fun. Thanks to all involved.

David R

I attended both the night shoots on the South Devon Railway, and thoroughly enjoyed them. Both events were well organised and provided a whole host of photographic opportunities. A credit to the TLE team.

Robert S
This was my third visit to Weeting and seventh TLE event. Once again it was an excellent event with lots of different set ups and settings including threshing, ploughing, log sawing and transport. Everyone was very friendly and helpful and the wonderful re-enactors obliged us with all kind of poses without looking too staged. Neil and his team must be praised for the way they put these events together. This review cannot be complete with mention for the catering staff who served us up wonderful refreshments. Alan P

I have attended two recent events, Birds of Prey and Cold War Jets at Bruntingthorpe. The Birds of Prey event was excellent despite  the lack lustre weather. Neil and the falconers maximised opportunities for us photographers to get our shots with the minimum of fuss. It was a full day of shooting with an excellent lunch. It was my first aircraft event at Bruntingthorpe again the weather did not play ball with a decent sunset. The TimeLine Events team and the Buccanneer Team members did their best to maximise the potential shots acheived by staging senarios with re-enactors, providing lighting, advice and gentle marshalling of us photographers. I acheived the shots I wanted, met some similarly inclined people and had a good time. In summary both events were in my view highly sucessfull and am looking forward to events I have booked in the coming months.

Ronald L