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TimeLine Events is a photography experience specialist with a focus on history and heritage.
At TimeLine Events we pride ourselves in delivering unique and excellent days out for photographers of all levels. Our photography events and adventures aim to inspire anyone with an interest in taking photographs and they provide an interactive environment where you can meet new and like minded people. Running events all around the UK we work with some truly exclusive and unique venues giving attendees the opportunity to photograph subjects that would not normally be accessible. We cover a wide variety of subjects including aviation, steam, wildlife, landscapes portraiture and much more so there is something for everyone to enjoy.
If you are interested in finding out more about our events and what we have coming up then join our newsletter mailing list where we send out our latest photography opportunities.

Our railway events allow photographers to capture dramatic and authentic images in a safe and controlled environment providing opportunities not usually available when trains are working on normal everyday services. One cannot normally ask a passenger train to set back for another photo opportunity because the sun dipped at the crucial moment or the locomotive’s smoke blew down in a strong gust of wind obscuring the train behind; our railway events allow us to do just that. Wherever possible, we match the locomotive with the correct period coaches or wagons to ensure we recreate as closely as we reasonably can authentic train formations which would have been seen on our railways sixty, eighty or even one hundred years ago.
Steam railway photography presents challenges all of its own. For many, it is the very difficulty of the task that provides such an addictive quest. The collective euphoria that ripples through the gallery of photographers when each of the individual elements needed to make the ‘perfect’ picture combine makes the considerable organisation that goes into each and every event truly gratifying - and the pictures can be stunning! TimeLine railway events cater for both the seasoned railway photographer and those who are new to this aspect of the photographic hobby but are keen to learn. The organisers each have more than twenty years of experience running railway events so you can be sure of making the best possible use of every lighting and location opportunity available.



TimeLine vintage transport events seek to match beautifully restored period vehicles from years gone by with stunning locations that are reminiscent of the backdrops against which the vehicles would have been seen when at work in their heyday. Whether this be idyllic country villages or the heart of major cities, towns and conurbations, we aim to match vehicles with locations to maximum photographic effect.Undoubtedly the highlight of our vintage transport events are our nocturnal visits to the Capital. Travelling into London with one or sometimes two buses that would have been seen in the city in the 1950s and 1960s, we hit the streets of London after dark in their quieter moments with the specific aim of recreating scenes that would have been familiar fifty or sixty years earlier. We run a number of different events in the Capital, featuring period re-enactors as passengers, others with vintage and fashion models, and seasonal events such as trips to see and photograph our vehicles against the backdrop of the amazing Christmas lights.
Of course, this is by no means easy and a great deal of research and planning goes into ensuring we are at the right locations at the right times. There are many distractions that can and do present challenges, but coming away with that special picture that is not only technically good but conveys the character of a place and moment in time will make it an incredibly worthwhile night’s work. Put your photographic skills to the test on the highways and byways of Britain and capture some truly memorable period transport images.

TimeLine offers dedicated training days on a variety of subjects for those wanting to learn new skills or improve on their current photography knowledge. We work with a network of professional photographers and trainers and our days are usually a combination of theory and practical’s to offer a well balanced training day out on location. Our aim is to teach you something new but also have you coming home with some great images so we like to run these days out on location with a professional trainer who is an expert on the specific subject. From understanding light to getting sharper images we offer a variety of opportunities to add to your photography skillset.To see our full schedule of events click here: