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Had a greatly enjoyable day at North Weald last week, the mid-day American Pin-up event Wed 31 Aug, thanks to good weather. A bit bright at times, but manageable (well for those with more skilled than me!), good company and organisation (thanks Neil), not forgetting the very helpful and cooperative models (Annette, Pearl, Sugar and Isabella), nor the Hangar 11 guys and the plane, jeep and motorbike owner who let us use the planes as backdrops...

It was my first such model shoot and not really my scene (he claims!) but was good fun. Thanks to all involved.

David R

The glamour shoots are an event to look out for. Lovely and friendly girls who quickly make you feel at home and give every assistance. Boscombe Down Aviation collection was an ideal location allowing unusual shots and Neil and his team ran it like clockwork as usual.

Ian P

A fantastic well organised event by TLE and the re-enactors. They know how to setup an event, lots of photo opportunities for amateurs and professional, at all levels of experience. Worth the expense and travel to see the Lancaster with the engine run.

We are both serious armatures looking for images with a difference that will get us acceptances and medals in International Salons, it's why we take advantage of TimeLine Events. Swindon, Basingstoke, Didcot, and down on Farm have all been great opportunities and many acceptances and at least 1 medal. This is all down to Neil and his team of re-enactors that provide the cameos and individual images. The setting up of lights the use of smoke machines and the ability to get your images without having to jostle for position or worry about others getting in the way. These days are not cheap but then what hobby is, and it's a true old saying "you cant take it with you" so we look forward to giving Neil some more of it. Philip Davies EFIAP  AWPF Ann Davies EFIAP/s DPAGB Philip D

What a great evening at Milestones. The museum itself is well worth a visit but a TimeLine event must be the only way to get those really atmospheric shots. A really great set of re enactors, looked the part and participated whole heartedly. Thanks again to Neil and the team.

Ian P

After attending my first event organised by yourselves along with East Kirkby Air Museum I would just like to say well done all round - even the weather was spot on! Just Jane at dusk was a photographic opportunity too good to miss, along with the re-enactors a great atmosphere was created and my photos have been 'liked' on a Nikon forum many times. I have already recommended Timeline to many friends and will continue to do so, I was particularly impressed with how you did your best to include everyone and make sure we all had the chance to 'move around' and get different angles. I didn't hear one person make a negative comment about your organisation, which says a lot in-its-self. So onto the future ... well when family members ask what I would like for Christmas I can see Timeline being mentioned! Well Done Guys.

Colin B