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This was my first time at a TLE event, I was very impressed by the organisation of the TLE team and the effort and patience of the 
re-enactors, I came away with some really nice photo's.
I will definitely be booking other TLE events. Shea
We are both serious armatures looking for images with a difference that will get us acceptances and medals in International Salons
its why we take advantage of time line events. Swindon Basingstoke Didcot and down on Farm have all been great opportunities and many acceptances and at least 1 medal. 
This is all down to Neil and his team of reenactore that provide the cameos and individual images. The setting up of lights the use of smoke machines and the ability to get your images without having to jostle for position or worry about others getting in the way.

Philip Davies EFIAP  AWPF Ann Davies EFIAP/s DPAGB Phil Davies
I attended the recent TLE end of year gathering and photoshoot at Papplewick pumping station. The event was well organised by Neil and his team, there were plenty of models and re-enactors attending the event which kept us all busy and cameras clicking. The models and re-enactors were of the highest calibre with some bringing along their vintage cars and motorbikes. The pumping stations victorian setting made for a great backdrop and portable lighting setups were available for deployment as you liked. Altogether a fantastic day out and one that I would highly recommended. Nigel Stewart

I attended the Vulcan night shoot at Woodford. My first time at such an event but really enjoyed it. Plenty of time to get the shots you wanted and various lighting/poses with reinactors and effects during the evening to add interest. Great atmosphere. I’ve now booked another three events as I enjoyed it so much.

Paul A

This was my first TimeLine steam event. As someone who runs their own events I was really impressed at the professional organisation, the great lighting and the determination to ensure everyone got great opportunities. well done Team TimeLine!

Andy R

Just to say many thanks, both to yourself, ‘Anchorman’ Dave, the crew of RAF 102, and of course the man upstairs, who was in charge of the weather, for a really superb day on the Solent yesterday. Anchorman has the speed, and flexibility, of chasing boats on water, which also enabled us to make good use of the prevailing weather conditions. I have rarely experienced such dramatic cloud backdrops, against a photographic subject. As for the awesome ‘demo’ by the Coastguard patrol, it was a privilege to be able to witness the precision of the crew, at such close hand. I look forward to next years Solent programme, you have certainly set the bar high after yesterday! Well done once again to all involved.

Neil E