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I recently attended the S&R event at Midsomer Norton on the 9th of September with TimeLine. If I am being honest I did not know what to expect as it was the first time I had ever done a photo shoot of this kind. I also thought, after looking on the S&R website, that the day may have have been lacking content due to what was being shown. How wrong could I have been, the event was fantastic and the day was packed with content. You could see that Neil had clearly done his homework by the number of photo opportunities that were set up for us to photograph during the day. I would certainly recommend TimeLine as my expectations of the event were blown away ............ thanks Neil I cannot wait until my next event 10 out of 10 sir.

Trevor B

I did the Vulcan night shoot and had an incredible day. A great deal of thought had gone into the perfect scenes for photographers, particularly liked the re-enactors freezing as slow shutter speeds had to be used. I can confirm from my images there was little or no movement. Well done to them. Also liked that a tent had been provided to keep dry as the start of our shoot was wet. If I had to be critical at all I would have liked somewhere to sit, just some benches in the tent would have done. Also at times there was far too many people, some not recognising that they were not the only ones trying to get shots. I would be prepared to pay more and have less people but these are only small issues. A really enjoyable day and I got some great shots. Looking forward to doing many more.

Simon P
We are both serious armatures looking for images with a difference that will get us acceptances and medals in International Salons
its why we take advantage of time line events. Swindon Basingstoke Didcot and down on Farm have all been great opportunities and many acceptances and at least 1 medal. 
This is all down to Neil and his team of reenactore that provide the cameos and individual images. The setting up of lights the use of smoke machines and the ability to get your images without having to jostle for position or worry about others getting in the way.

Philip Davies EFIAP  AWPF Ann Davies EFIAP/s DPAGB Phil Davies

Just to say many thanks, both to yourself, ‘Anchorman’ Dave, the crew of RAF 102, and of course the man upstairs, who was in charge of the weather, for a really superb day on the Solent yesterday. Anchorman has the speed, and flexibility, of chasing boats on water, which also enabled us to make good use of the prevailing weather conditions. I have rarely experienced such dramatic cloud backdrops, against a photographic subject. As for the awesome ‘demo’ by the Coastguard patrol, it was a privilege to be able to witness the precision of the crew, at such close hand. I look forward to next years Solent programme, you have certainly set the bar high after yesterday! Well done once again to all involved.

Neil E
My experience of the event RAF Launch HSL102 - Portsmouth Historic Dockyard - 2nd July 2019 was electrifying. To see this speed machine at close quarters in action was amazing. To read up on it's history made the experience even more rewarding. The photographic opportunities to capture it's speed and versatility while maneuvering at very close range was exhilarating. A well organised event. I managed to get some stunning images. Highly recommended event. Alan p

A fantastic well organised event by TLE and the re-enactors. They know how to setup an event, lots of photo opportunities for amateurs and professional, at all levels of experience. Worth the expense and travel to see the Lancaster with the engine run.
