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My first of many, TimeLine Events was to the Halifax early in 2015. It was a well organised and friendly event, nothing was rushed. Neil and his team put together a fantastic night, the addition of re-enactors added depth to the day. My creative skills were challenged, and improved over the year. Roll on 2016 where I hope to challenge them further. In short, a fun event run by photographers for photographers of any level.

Jason G

Having thoroughly enjoyed the 'Jaguar and Tornado' night shoot at RAF Cosford in January 2017, I could not miss the latest event at Cosford in which there were also three Harriers present in three very differing marks. Again, a great afternoon and evening event, loads of photo opportunities both inside the hangar and outside, with even an hour of late sunshine to light everything up against a dark sky background. The addition of the sky-lift was a very welcome new feature and all of the TLE and RAF teams did all they could to help, assist and move things about whenever asked, all done with a smile too. A great event and one to which I would  return in the future.

John H

I have just attended the Didcot Steam Glamour event. This was my first location shoot with Timeline and I have to say how I was really impressed with the whole operation. The production team (helpful and professional), the models (glamorous, hard working & nothing-too-much-trouble) and the location (what's not to like about a train yard) all made the 3+ hours fly by. Highest recommendation and I'm looking for my next event. A big thanks to Neil and the Crew.

Mike C

I have attended three shoots with TLE at East Kirkby, and all have been expertly run by Neil and the team. Always on hand to accommodate any ideas that we photographers have, Neil and his team also offer photographic advice should we need it. In large groups for such shoots as nighttime engine runs, the team are very good at making sure people move around, allowing everybody to get their shots from different angles. This doesn’t happen with another company I use, and it really makes a difference. Neil and the team are also very good at organising the re-enactors. I enjoy the TLE events and would not hesitate to recommend them.

Rob H

Fairburn Tank in The Lakes" was the title for Timeline's November outing with 42073 at the Lakeside and Haverthwaite line, but little did the unwary participants anticipate how close to actually being under water this event threatened to be as the River Leven surged past the Linsty Green location providing an interesting diversion from the rather sombre first day's shoot in the perpetual gloom of The Lakes at their most miserable. Undeterred, Neil and his willing co conspirators, the two Peters, pressed on and, with some relief from the rainfall later in the day, and despite awesome ASA readings, a reasonable selection of images was procured along the branch. A satisfyingly filling early dinner in the L and H restaurant and night shoot starring the motionless Linda completed the proceedings for Day One, with an optimistic weather forecast for the morrow in the minds of those with two days suffering booked. To everyone's relief Thursday dawned with hills visible and a prospect of brightness and so it came to pass that the sun did wilfully illuminate Sowerby Bridge's finest and her diminutive train at most of the key locations along the line. Opinion seemed to favour the rock face just east of Haverthwaite Tunnel as the master shot, but the woods approaching Newby Bridge must have been a close second with their autumn tints sparkling in the sunshine. The morning ended with some reflective views over the reed beds approaching Lakeside, after which a return to lunch at Haverthwaite was made as the sun gave way to clouds portending the arrival of the storm-named-Abigail. Rain and increased gloominess over lunch saw an exodus of participants before a superbly smokey afternoon departure to Lakeside, but once again, Neil's personal hotline to God had already secured the services of the golden orb and I think there was a general feeling that Timeline had made the best of what originally seemed most unpromising circumstances. Notwithstanding day one's adversities I enjoyed this charter and thank Neil, Linda, the Two Peters and all the staff of the L and HR who made it possible.

Pete S

Fantastic photographic event with a classic 14XX and auto train on the South Devon Railway. The organisation was excellent and the weather superb. The shots of the train along the banks of the beautiful River Dart will be treasured. I was still smiling several days later!

Robert P