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The glamour shoots are an event to look out for. Lovely and friendly girls who quickly make you feel at home and give every assistance. Boscombe Down Aviation collection was an ideal location allowing unusual shots and Neil and his team ran it like clockwork as usual.

Ian P

The recent STEAM event at Swindon is the first railway event that I have attended. As always with TimeLine Events it was most enjoyable and good value for money. Most impressed with the smoke/steam effect. I have added an airman and girlfriend from a Just Jane shoot to add a bit more romance to my latest photo on Flickr, many thanks to Neil, the team and to the great re-enactors.

Ian P

I was on the 1960s London photo charter last week and just wanted to say thank you. I really enjoyed the evening I have to say I always feel relaxed on these events and the locations chosen were brilliant and thank you to Neil and his team for a great evening and I hope to do many more night shoots in the future. Many thanks.

Simon H

Having thoroughly enjoyed the 'Jaguar and Tornado' night shoot at RAF Cosford in January 2017, I could not miss the latest event at Cosford in which there were also three Harriers present in three very differing marks. Again, a great afternoon and evening event, loads of photo opportunities both inside the hangar and outside, with even an hour of late sunshine to light everything up against a dark sky background. The addition of the sky-lift was a very welcome new feature and all of the TLE and RAF teams did all they could to help, assist and move things about whenever asked, all done with a smile too. A great event and one to which I would  return in the future.

John H

Had a greatly enjoyable day at North Weald last week, the mid-day American Pin-up event Wed 31 Aug, thanks to good weather. A bit bright at times, but manageable (well for those with more skilled than me!), good company and organisation (thanks Neil), not forgetting the very helpful and cooperative models (Annette, Pearl, Sugar and Isabella), nor the Hangar 11 guys and the plane, jeep and motorbike owner who let us use the planes as backdrops...

It was my first such model shoot and not really my scene (he claims!) but was good fun. Thanks to all involved.

David R

I have just attended the Didcot Steam Glamour event. This was my first location shoot with Timeline and I have to say how I was really impressed with the whole operation. The production team (helpful and professional), the models (glamorous, hard working & nothing-too-much-trouble) and the location (what's not to like about a train yard) all made the 3+ hours fly by. Highest recommendation and I'm looking for my next event. A big thanks to Neil and the Crew.

Mike C