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This was my third visit to Weeting and seventh TLE event. Once again it was an excellent event with lots of different set ups and settings including threshing, ploughing, log sawing and transport. Everyone was very friendly and helpful and the wonderful re-enactors obliged us with all kind of poses without looking too staged. Neil and his team must be praised for the way they put these events together. This review cannot be complete with mention for the catering staff who served us up wonderful refreshments. Alan P

What a great evening at Milestones. The museum itself is well worth a visit but a TimeLine event must be the only way to get those really atmospheric shots. A really great set of re enactors, looked the part and participated whole heartedly. Thanks again to Neil and the team.

Ian P

My first of many, TimeLine Events was to the Halifax early in 2015. It was a well organised and friendly event, nothing was rushed. Neil and his team put together a fantastic night, the addition of re-enactors added depth to the day. My creative skills were challenged, and improved over the year. Roll on 2016 where I hope to challenge them further. In short, a fun event run by photographers for photographers of any level.

Jason G

My wife and I attended our first event at the Hawk Conservancy last Friday. The weather did its best to ruin the day but Neil and the staff at the Hawk Conservancy always seemed have a plan B. We both enjoyed the day and cannot wait to book another. Thanks Neil for everything.

Dave B

I recently attended the Oliver Cromwell photo shoot on the GCR. This was my first event of this kind that I have ever done and what a great day I had. It was the first time I had taken any night shots and I was pleased with the results. Having all day to concentrate on photography with one of my favorite subject matters gave me time to explore and experiment with my camera. I have now booked another with you for the Bruntingthorpe event and also put some pictures on Flickr (TLE page). Again that is something I have not done before so another learning curve there! Thanks for a thoroughly enjoyable day.

Roger B

Fantastic photographic event with a classic 14XX and auto train on the South Devon Railway. The organisation was excellent and the weather superb. The shots of the train along the banks of the beautiful River Dart will be treasured. I was still smiling several days later!

Robert P