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Just Jane uncovered on January 21st, was a unique opertunity to view and photograph a Lancaster, stripped for restoration. This is something I shall probably never see again. The evening fulfilled all my expectations and I was able to come away with not only general shots, but also plenty of detailed ones. The lighting effects and re-enactors, just finished the evening off nicely.

Den R

I have now attended two timeline events one at RAF Cosford and more recently the Cowes Sailing Regatta. Both have been superbly organised, offering a unique perspective on the chosen subjects. I was initially reticent based on price, but after attending these two events, I will be booking others! I have taken by best ever photographs on these days, not only this I have also enjoyed the days out. In fact ththe cowes day would have been fantastic even without taking a picture! Throughly recommend!

Lee C

Great America cup! Lovely weather, if a little short of wind. Really pleased with photos of GB winning the day. Fantastic day out with great skipper and crew, looking forward to the next day on the Solent.

Ian P

Just a word of thanks for a superb event yesterday evening at the Midland Railway Centre. Breathing life into PMR was a masterstroke which no other operators can achieve and brought total realism to the situation. We were blessed with good weather and a fine sunset which just added to a memorable charter. Please extend my thanks to Pete and the MRC staff who helped to make this possible.

Roger H

Had a greatly enjoyable day at North Weald last week, the mid-day American Pin-up event Wed 31 Aug, thanks to good weather. A bit bright at times, but manageable (well for those with more skilled than me!), good company and organisation (thanks Neil), not forgetting the very helpful and cooperative models (Annette, Pearl, Sugar and Isabella), nor the Hangar 11 guys and the plane, jeep and motorbike owner who let us use the planes as backdrops...

It was my first such model shoot and not really my scene (he claims!) but was good fun. Thanks to all involved.

David R

My first event with Timeline Events was at North Weald Airfield for the Hanger 11 night shoot. A tremendous experience to get up close with the Spitfire and Kittyhawk when they ran up their engines and I am really happy with the images I got. Looking forward now to something different and the Thames Barge races in June.

Nigel J