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Great bunch of like minded people putting on great events. Always good for trying out some new camera/lense or new techniques and always something great to capture whether it's a fighter jet or a train. Well worth the ticket fee.

Stevie B

I attended both the night shoots on the South Devon Railway, and thoroughly enjoyed them. Both events were well organised and provided a whole host of photographic opportunities. A credit to the TLE team.

Robert S

The night shoot at Yorkshire air museum on 18/03/2016 was my third event organised by TLE, the other 2 being with Just Jane (Lancaster) at East Kirkby. As with the other events this was excellently staged with no rush to get that perfect shot. There was lots of opportunity to move around the scenes and line up the shots you want. The re-enactors were well presented and willing to please when people requested particular settings. Overall it was an excellent evening put well together by Neil and his team. Certainly won't be the last TLE event I attend. Thank you to everyone involved.

Alan P

South Devon Railway - 1369 on a short freight 03-11-16. This was my seventh TimeLine event in the last couple of years, and over that time, I've come to appreciate that every time, I can book TLE shoots with confidence. Neil and his Team are always very well organised and professional. Importantly, proper regard is given to health & safety issues at all times, and nothing is left to chance. Locations are well researched having regard to the time of day and year, position of sun (sun?!!), etc. About the only thing Neil can't properly organize is the weather, which on the Devon shoot was disappointingly dull, immediately following a few glorious days. But show me a charter organizer who CAN sort the weather! Anyhow, taking great shots in dull weather is simply more of a challenge, and I for one am very pleased with the outcome. So I would recommend TLE shoots to anyone without hesitation, and roll on my next one.

Ted B

Just to say many thanks, both to yourself, ‘Anchorman’ Dave, the crew of RAF 102, and of course the man upstairs, who was in charge of the weather, for a really superb day on the Solent yesterday. Anchorman has the speed, and flexibility, of chasing boats on water, which also enabled us to make good use of the prevailing weather conditions. I have rarely experienced such dramatic cloud backdrops, against a photographic subject. As for the awesome ‘demo’ by the Coastguard patrol, it was a privilege to be able to witness the precision of the crew, at such close hand. I look forward to next years Solent programme, you have certainly set the bar high after yesterday! Well done once again to all involved.

Neil E

Blists Hill (Victorian Town), makes an impressive backdrop, for re-creating scenes from the past. A first class set of re-enactors, happily posed throughout the evening, in various cameo's set up by the TLE team, Neil, David and Nick. As the light faded, the scenes were carefully illuminated, and the smoke machine came into play, to re-create those misty scenes from the 1940's. A thoroughly enjoyable evening, which produced excellent photographic results.

Neil E