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Yesterday I attended my first event with TimeLine at Middle Wallop. I’ve just got to say what a great time I had. It was a long day with travelling from London and we all had ample of time to set up and take some great photos, nothing was rushed. Even had time to relax in-between shooting the different aircrafts. Everything was done with great professionalism from start to finish. Can you please pass on my thanks to Neil and the team and I’m very much looking forward to my next event. With warmest thanks.

Andrew H

I recently attended the event at the Gunpowder Museum with Ray Lowe.  It was a terrific day where I learnt SO much about how to take better portraiture.  Ray was witty, slightly controversial at times, charming, extremely knowledgeable with a wealth of experience that he willingly shared.  He answered questions, set challenges and demonstrated the HOW in his work as well as the WHY.  Our models were lovely, very accommodating, flexible and patient as we sought to practice Ray's tips. The TimeLine team, as usual, ensured the day was well-planned, the venue had plenty of rustic and rugged charm, we had plenty of variety and that everyone's needs were met.  It was a super training event, very enjoyable and I learnt so much!  Many thanks - in particular to Ray for sharing his expertise to make us a better photographer!

Belinda E

HSL 102/SS Waverley-Needles Event - The weather was changable, the sea calm and the light was simply fantastic. Taking pictures of HSL 102 on her way over to Lymington and then onto The Needles was sublime. As always the boat was skippered to give the photographers the best opportunities to get our pictures. With the Needles backdrop fantastic images were to be had. A sharp rain shower changed the lighting into something very dramatic. We meet up with the Waverley and were able to get pictures of the 2 historic boats togther and then close ups of the Waverely when docked. The icing on the cake for us photographers was the appearance twice of the Coastguard Helicopter on the second time putting a paramedic on board our boat for training purposes. A great day of photography was had by all.

Ronald L

I have attended several events organised by Neil Cave and his TLE team and can say without reservation that Just Jane was another fantastic day, thoroughly enjoyed by all I spoke to on the day. Looking forward to the next event. Well done Neil.

Paul H
We are both serious armatures looking for images with a difference that will get us acceptances and medals in International Salons, it's why we take advantage of TimeLine Events. Swindon, Basingstoke, Didcot, and down on Farm have all been great opportunities and many acceptances and at least 1 medal. This is all down to Neil and his team of re-enactors that provide the cameos and individual images. The setting up of lights the use of smoke machines and the ability to get your images without having to jostle for position or worry about others getting in the way. These days are not cheap but then what hobby is, and it's a true old saying "you cant take it with you" so we look forward to giving Neil some more of it. Philip Davies EFIAP  AWPF Ann Davies EFIAP/s DPAGB Philip D

Just a short note to say how much I enjoyed the above. This was my first TimeLine Event, and I shall definitely be back to do some more. The re-enactors really suit the environment in which they belong and I thought the smoke machines really added to the atmosphere! Thanks again!

Rob H