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The night shoot at Yorkshire air museum on 18/03/2016 was my third event organised by TLE, the other 2 being with Just Jane (Lancaster) at East Kirkby. As with the other events this was excellently staged with no rush to get that perfect shot. There was lots of opportunity to move around the scenes and line up the shots you want. The re-enactors were well presented and willing to please when people requested particular settings. Overall it was an excellent evening put well together by Neil and his team. Certainly won't be the last TLE event I attend. Thank you to everyone involved.

Alan P

I have attended three shoots with TLE at East Kirkby, and all have been expertly run by Neil and the team. Always on hand to accommodate any ideas that we photographers have, Neil and his team also offer photographic advice should we need it. In large groups for such shoots as nighttime engine runs, the team are very good at making sure people move around, allowing everybody to get their shots from different angles. This doesn’t happen with another company I use, and it really makes a difference. Neil and the team are also very good at organising the re-enactors. I enjoy the TLE events and would not hesitate to recommend them.

Rob H

I can say that I went away from the day shattered, mainly due to the weather, but with a few nuggets that will certainly make me think a little more rather than just pointing the camera and hoping that a good photo is produced. I felt that I was encouraged to participate and found that Mark was only too pleased to help us one to one in the practical sessions.I thought the day was well structured and the group size was just right. I was happy with the general content together with the relaxed approach throughout the day.To sum up I thought that I got something from the day that I will now use going forward and it was great to spend time with other photographers all with the same goal. A great day ...... thank you very much.

Trevor B

A great event last friday evening at STEAM in Swindon. The set ups were really good with so many re-enactors giving the impression of a busy station. The smoke machines worked a treat creating a realistic atmosphere. A mention here for Zab who worked hard all evening marshalling the re-enactors for us to get such good pictures.

Andrew B

Despite a gloomy weather forecast, Saturdays photoshoot at North Weald, was absolutely superb, with excellent photo opportunities. Some late afternoon sunshine, preceded a clear evening, when both aircraft were 'fired up'. With thanks to Neil. his team, the re-enactors, and the chief pilot of Hanger 11, Peter Teichman.

Neil E

Didcot 27th Oct. I experienced some fabulous opportunities to capture the Tornado Steam engine, steamed up and moving. I enjoyed some outstanding golden hour light plus lighting set up outside and in the sheds by Time Line Events throughout the nights event. The overall perspective of Didcot is very rich in authentic period scenes and atmosphere. The reenactors added the icing on the cake.

Alan P