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I have attended three shoots with TLE at East Kirkby, and all have been expertly run by Neil and the team. Always on hand to accommodate any ideas that we photographers have, Neil and his team also offer photographic advice should we need it. In large groups for such shoots as nighttime engine runs, the team are very good at making sure people move around, allowing everybody to get their shots from different angles. This doesn’t happen with another company I use, and it really makes a difference. Neil and the team are also very good at organising the re-enactors. I enjoy the TLE events and would not hesitate to recommend them.

Rob H

Despite a gloomy weather forecast, Saturdays photoshoot at North Weald, was absolutely superb, with excellent photo opportunities. Some late afternoon sunshine, preceded a clear evening, when both aircraft were 'fired up'. With thanks to Neil. his team, the re-enactors, and the chief pilot of Hanger 11, Peter Teichman.

Neil E
We are both serious armatures looking for images with a difference that will get us acceptances and medals in International Salons
its why we take advantage of time line events. Swindon Basingstoke Didcot and down on Farm have all been great opportunities and many acceptances and at least 1 medal. 
This is all down to Neil and his team of reenactore that provide the cameos and individual images. The setting up of lights the use of smoke machines and the ability to get your images without having to jostle for position or worry about others getting in the way.

Philip Davies EFIAP  AWPF Ann Davies EFIAP/s DPAGB Phil Davies

Attended the recent events to photograpgh High Speed Launch 102 and Motor Gun Boat 81 at Portsmouth. The weather was kind in the morning but the afternoon was less so. The trip was excellent both boats were put through their paces in the Solent with the photographer in mind. There were plenty of opportunities to get close up's as well as the more distant shots. Background for the shots varied from the dockyard, historic Portsmouth, the Solent Forts and white cliffs round the IOW. Took plenty of shots surprisingly many were in focus and very photogenic. The boat trip on Anchorman its self was a great experience, getting wet, losing balance but still managing to take pictures. I think everyone had big smiles on their faces when we returned. Neil and his staff made the day very enjoyable and it ran like clockwork. The volunters running the historic boats were very friendly and did everything we asked. The reenactors added just the right amount of colour. I would highly recommend this event.

Ron L

Thanks to Neil and the TLE  team for a well organised visit to Didcot last Saturday, (30/4/16). The weather played ball and I got some great photos especially in the shed. I've already booked a September trip to ' STEAM ' and I look forward to many more photo opportunities with TLE.

Philip G

What a great evening at Milestones. The museum itself is well worth a visit but a TimeLine event must be the only way to get those really atmospheric shots. A really great set of re enactors, looked the part and participated whole heartedly. Thanks again to Neil and the team.

Ian P