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I recently attended the Oliver Cromwell photo shoot on the GCR. This was my first event of this kind that I have ever done and what a great day I had. It was the first time I had taken any night shots and I was pleased with the results. Having all day to concentrate on photography with one of my favorite subject matters gave me time to explore and experiment with my camera. I have now booked another with you for the Bruntingthorpe event and also put some pictures on Flickr (TLE page). Again that is something I have not done before so another learning curve there! Thanks for a thoroughly enjoyable day.

Roger B

I attended both the night shoots on the South Devon Railway, and thoroughly enjoyed them. Both events were well organised and provided a whole host of photographic opportunities. A credit to the TLE team.

Robert S

Blists Hill (Victorian Town), makes an impressive backdrop, for re-creating scenes from the past. A first class set of re-enactors, happily posed throughout the evening, in various cameo's set up by the TLE team, Neil, David and Nick. As the light faded, the scenes were carefully illuminated, and the smoke machine came into play, to re-create those misty scenes from the 1940's. A thoroughly enjoyable evening, which produced excellent photographic results.

Neil E

I recently attended the S&R event at Midsomer Norton on the 9th of September with TimeLine. If I am being honest I did not know what to expect as it was the first time I had ever done a photo shoot of this kind. I also thought, after looking on the S&R website, that the day may have have been lacking content due to what was being shown. How wrong could I have been, the event was fantastic and the day was packed with content. You could see that Neil had clearly done his homework by the number of photo opportunities that were set up for us to photograph during the day. I would certainly recommend TimeLine as my expectations of the event were blown away ............ thanks Neil I cannot wait until my next event 10 out of 10 sir.

Trevor B

ProTog event at Didcot 21st Oct. The most fascinating experience I had during the event, were the lighting and smoke setups. Coupled with the tips given by Mark the Pro, it allowed me to extend my understanding of my Olympus camera and lens in low light situations (low & high ISO, tripod & handheld, Colour & B&W). The reenactors gave the evening a real sense of authenticity to the atmosphere of the steam sheds at night.

Alan P
We are both serious armatures looking for images with a difference that will get us acceptances and medals in International Salons
its why we take advantage of time line events. Swindon Basingstoke Didcot and down on Farm have all been great opportunities and many acceptances and at least 1 medal. 
This is all down to Neil and his team of reenactore that provide the cameos and individual images. The setting up of lights the use of smoke machines and the ability to get your images without having to jostle for position or worry about others getting in the way.

Philip Davies EFIAP  AWPF Ann Davies EFIAP/s DPAGB Phil Davies