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I recently attended the Oliver Cromwell photo shoot on the GCR. This was my first event of this kind that I have ever done and what a great day I had. It was the first time I had taken any night shots and I was pleased with the results. Having all day to concentrate on photography with one of my favorite subject matters gave me time to explore and experiment with my camera. I have now booked another with you for the Bruntingthorpe event and also put some pictures on Flickr (TLE page). Again that is something I have not done before so another learning curve there! Thanks for a thoroughly enjoyable day.

Roger B

Having thoroughly enjoyed the 'Jaguar and Tornado' night shoot at RAF Cosford in January 2017, I could not miss the latest event at Cosford in which there were also three Harriers present in three very differing marks. Again, a great afternoon and evening event, loads of photo opportunities both inside the hangar and outside, with even an hour of late sunshine to light everything up against a dark sky background. The addition of the sky-lift was a very welcome new feature and all of the TLE and RAF teams did all they could to help, assist and move things about whenever asked, all done with a smile too. A great event and one to which I would  return in the future.

John H

I have attended three shoots with TLE at East Kirkby, and all have been expertly run by Neil and the team. Always on hand to accommodate any ideas that we photographers have, Neil and his team also offer photographic advice should we need it. In large groups for such shoots as nighttime engine runs, the team are very good at making sure people move around, allowing everybody to get their shots from different angles. This doesn’t happen with another company I use, and it really makes a difference. Neil and the team are also very good at organising the re-enactors. I enjoy the TLE events and would not hesitate to recommend them.

Rob H

My wife and I attended our first event at the Hawk Conservancy last Friday. The weather did its best to ruin the day but Neil and the staff at the Hawk Conservancy always seemed have a plan B. We both enjoyed the day and cannot wait to book another. Thanks Neil for everything.

Dave B

Attended the recent events to photograpgh High Speed Launch 102 and Motor Gun Boat 81 at Portsmouth. The weather was kind in the morning but the afternoon was less so. The trip was excellent both boats were put through their paces in the Solent with the photographer in mind. There were plenty of opportunities to get close up's as well as the more distant shots. Background for the shots varied from the dockyard, historic Portsmouth, the Solent Forts and white cliffs round the IOW. Took plenty of shots surprisingly many were in focus and very photogenic. The boat trip on Anchorman its self was a great experience, getting wet, losing balance but still managing to take pictures. I think everyone had big smiles on their faces when we returned. Neil and his staff made the day very enjoyable and it ran like clockwork. The volunters running the historic boats were very friendly and did everything we asked. The reenactors added just the right amount of colour. I would highly recommend this event.

Ron L

The recent STEAM event at Swindon is the first railway event that I have attended. As always with TimeLine Events it was most enjoyable and good value for money. Most impressed with the smoke/steam effect. I have added an airman and girlfriend from a Just Jane shoot to add a bit more romance to my latest photo on Flickr, many thanks to Neil, the team and to the great re-enactors.

Ian P