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Great America cup! Lovely weather, if a little short of wind. Really pleased with photos of GB winning the day. Fantastic day out with great skipper and crew, looking forward to the next day on the Solent.

Ian P

My wife and I attended our first event at the Hawk Conservancy last Friday. The weather did its best to ruin the day but Neil and the staff at the Hawk Conservancy always seemed have a plan B. We both enjoyed the day and cannot wait to book another. Thanks Neil for everything.

Dave B
We are both serious armatures looking for images with a difference that will get us acceptances and medals in International Salons
its why we take advantage of time line events. Swindon Basingstoke Didcot and down on Farm have all been great opportunities and many acceptances and at least 1 medal. 
This is all down to Neil and his team of reenactore that provide the cameos and individual images. The setting up of lights the use of smoke machines and the ability to get your images without having to jostle for position or worry about others getting in the way.

Philip Davies EFIAP  AWPF Ann Davies EFIAP/s DPAGB Phil Davies

A fantastic well organised event by TLE and the re-enactors. They know how to setup an event, lots of photo opportunities for amateurs and professional, at all levels of experience. Worth the expense and travel to see the Lancaster with the engine run.


South Devon Railway - 1369 on a short freight 03-11-16. This was my seventh TimeLine event in the last couple of years, and over that time, I've come to appreciate that every time, I can book TLE shoots with confidence. Neil and his Team are always very well organised and professional. Importantly, proper regard is given to health & safety issues at all times, and nothing is left to chance. Locations are well researched having regard to the time of day and year, position of sun (sun?!!), etc. About the only thing Neil can't properly organize is the weather, which on the Devon shoot was disappointingly dull, immediately following a few glorious days. But show me a charter organizer who CAN sort the weather! Anyhow, taking great shots in dull weather is simply more of a challenge, and I for one am very pleased with the outcome. So I would recommend TLE shoots to anyone without hesitation, and roll on my next one.

Ted B

I've attended six TLE events so far this year and have got four more arranged for the rest of 2017. On every one I've come away with fantastic images as a result of the superb locations, subjects, re-enactors and organisation by Neil and the rest of the TLE crew.  Almost certainly, places like RAF Cosford, or subjects like USS George HW Bush or HMS Queen Elizabeth would be difficult or impossible to photograph close up without TimeLine Events!

Jonathan U