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Evening with Tornado at Didcot Railway Centre - This was my first event with TimeLine Events and I have to say that despite the best efforts of the weather to ruin things it was a really enjoyable evening. I had the chance to take pictures that I would normally never be able to. The lighting and the re-enactors really gave it that something extra. It also helped for me, a novice at this sort of thing, to have people around me who knew what they were doing to setup the shots and give me inspiration. After viewing some of the pictures others posted I now have even more ideas for the next time - I'm sure there will be a next time, since this went so well and was so enjoyable. Thanks to Neil and the team, the crew of Tornado and of course the re-enactors.

Mark R

After attending my first event organised by yourselves along with East Kirkby Air Museum I would just like to say well done all round - even the weather was spot on! Just Jane at dusk was a photographic opportunity too good to miss, along with the re-enactors a great atmosphere was created and my photos have been 'liked' on a Nikon forum many times. I have already recommended Timeline to many friends and will continue to do so, I was particularly impressed with how you did your best to include everyone and make sure we all had the chance to 'move around' and get different angles. I didn't hear one person make a negative comment about your organisation, which says a lot in-its-self. So onto the future ... well when family members ask what I would like for Christmas I can see Timeline being mentioned! Well Done Guys.

Colin B

Just a short note to say how much I enjoyed the above. This was my first TimeLine Event, and I shall definitely be back to do some more. The re-enactors really suit the environment in which they belong and I thought the smoke machines really added to the atmosphere! Thanks again!

Rob H

South Devon Railway - 1369 on a short freight 03-11-16. This was my seventh TimeLine event in the last couple of years, and over that time, I've come to appreciate that every time, I can book TLE shoots with confidence. Neil and his Team are always very well organised and professional. Importantly, proper regard is given to health & safety issues at all times, and nothing is left to chance. Locations are well researched having regard to the time of day and year, position of sun (sun?!!), etc. About the only thing Neil can't properly organize is the weather, which on the Devon shoot was disappointingly dull, immediately following a few glorious days. But show me a charter organizer who CAN sort the weather! Anyhow, taking great shots in dull weather is simply more of a challenge, and I for one am very pleased with the outcome. So I would recommend TLE shoots to anyone without hesitation, and roll on my next one.

Ted B

Just Jane uncovered on January 21st, was a unique opertunity to view and photograph a Lancaster, stripped for restoration. This is something I shall probably never see again. The evening fulfilled all my expectations and I was able to come away with not only general shots, but also plenty of detailed ones. The lighting effects and re-enactors, just finished the evening off nicely.

Den R

Fairburn Tank in The Lakes" was the title for Timeline's November outing with 42073 at the Lakeside and Haverthwaite line, but little did the unwary participants anticipate how close to actually being under water this event threatened to be as the River Leven surged past the Linsty Green location providing an interesting diversion from the rather sombre first day's shoot in the perpetual gloom of The Lakes at their most miserable. Undeterred, Neil and his willing co conspirators, the two Peters, pressed on and, with some relief from the rainfall later in the day, and despite awesome ASA readings, a reasonable selection of images was procured along the branch. A satisfyingly filling early dinner in the L and H restaurant and night shoot starring the motionless Linda completed the proceedings for Day One, with an optimistic weather forecast for the morrow in the minds of those with two days suffering booked. To everyone's relief Thursday dawned with hills visible and a prospect of brightness and so it came to pass that the sun did wilfully illuminate Sowerby Bridge's finest and her diminutive train at most of the key locations along the line. Opinion seemed to favour the rock face just east of Haverthwaite Tunnel as the master shot, but the woods approaching Newby Bridge must have been a close second with their autumn tints sparkling in the sunshine. The morning ended with some reflective views over the reed beds approaching Lakeside, after which a return to lunch at Haverthwaite was made as the sun gave way to clouds portending the arrival of the storm-named-Abigail. Rain and increased gloominess over lunch saw an exodus of participants before a superbly smokey afternoon departure to Lakeside, but once again, Neil's personal hotline to God had already secured the services of the golden orb and I think there was a general feeling that Timeline had made the best of what originally seemed most unpromising circumstances. Notwithstanding day one's adversities I enjoyed this charter and thank Neil, Linda, the Two Peters and all the staff of the L and HR who made it possible.

Pete S