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South Devon Railway - 1369 on a short freight 03-11-16. This was my seventh TimeLine event in the last couple of years, and over that time, I've come to appreciate that every time, I can book TLE shoots with confidence. Neil and his Team are always very well organised and professional. Importantly, proper regard is given to health & safety issues at all times, and nothing is left to chance. Locations are well researched having regard to the time of day and year, position of sun (sun?!!), etc. About the only thing Neil can't properly organize is the weather, which on the Devon shoot was disappointingly dull, immediately following a few glorious days. But show me a charter organizer who CAN sort the weather! Anyhow, taking great shots in dull weather is simply more of a challenge, and I for one am very pleased with the outcome. So I would recommend TLE shoots to anyone without hesitation, and roll on my next one.

Ted B

Great America cup! Lovely weather, if a little short of wind. Really pleased with photos of GB winning the day. Fantastic day out with great skipper and crew, looking forward to the next day on the Solent.

Ian P

My wife and I attended our first event at the Hawk Conservancy last Friday. The weather did its best to ruin the day but Neil and the staff at the Hawk Conservancy always seemed have a plan B. We both enjoyed the day and cannot wait to book another. Thanks Neil for everything.

Dave B

Had a greatly enjoyable day at North Weald last week, the mid-day American Pin-up event Wed 31 Aug, thanks to good weather. A bit bright at times, but manageable (well for those with more skilled than me!), good company and organisation (thanks Neil), not forgetting the very helpful and cooperative models (Annette, Pearl, Sugar and Isabella), nor the Hangar 11 guys and the plane, jeep and motorbike owner who let us use the planes as backdrops...

It was my first such model shoot and not really my scene (he claims!) but was good fun. Thanks to all involved.

David R

Well what can I say, the TLE team are truly first class, professional and thorough. Their attention to detail and enthusiasm ensures that firstly you enjoy every second of the event itself, and secondly and I suppose most importantly that you get the opportunity to get the shot you’ve been striving for. The events themselves are at some great locations and with fantastic subjects to boot with great re-enacters and scenarios all set up for you. I'’ve been on three of these shoots so far (Coventry Shackleton afternoon & night shoot, RAF Cosford Jaguar and Tornado night shoot, and Bruntingthorpe Cold War Jets night with the Buccaneers, Canberra and Hunter), and I have another two booked with TLE and will certainly be booking many more soon.  Hats off to Neil and the Team, top job! Keep up the good work.

Andy G
I attended the recent TLE end of year gathering and photoshoot at Papplewick pumping station. The event was well organised by Neil and his team, there were plenty of models and re-enactors attending the event which kept us all busy and cameras clicking. The models and re-enactors were of the highest calibre with some bringing along their vintage cars and motorbikes. The pumping stations victorian setting made for a great backdrop and portable lighting setups were available for deployment as you liked. Altogether a fantastic day out and one that I would highly recommended. Nigel Stewart