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The Wellington hanger event exceeded my expectations. The careful consideration of the limited numbers involved allowed for all who attended to move around without disturbing others in the confined area. All other photographers were polite and considerate and it made for a thoroughly enjoyable experience. I have come away with the results I had dreamed of...so very happy. My thanks to Neil and the team for his valuable suggestions as regards technique, and also for making certain that everybody got both the angles and the time required to achieve what they wanted.

Bob A

I can say that I went away from the day shattered, mainly due to the weather, but with a few nuggets that will certainly make me think a little more rather than just pointing the camera and hoping that a good photo is produced. I felt that I was encouraged to participate and found that Mark was only too pleased to help us one to one in the practical sessions.I thought the day was well structured and the group size was just right. I was happy with the general content together with the relaxed approach throughout the day.To sum up I thought that I got something from the day that I will now use going forward and it was great to spend time with other photographers all with the same goal. A great day ...... thank you very much.

Trevor B

South Devon Railway - 1369 on a short freight 03-11-16. This was my seventh TimeLine event in the last couple of years, and over that time, I've come to appreciate that every time, I can book TLE shoots with confidence. Neil and his Team are always very well organised and professional. Importantly, proper regard is given to health & safety issues at all times, and nothing is left to chance. Locations are well researched having regard to the time of day and year, position of sun (sun?!!), etc. About the only thing Neil can't properly organize is the weather, which on the Devon shoot was disappointingly dull, immediately following a few glorious days. But show me a charter organizer who CAN sort the weather! Anyhow, taking great shots in dull weather is simply more of a challenge, and I for one am very pleased with the outcome. So I would recommend TLE shoots to anyone without hesitation, and roll on my next one.

Ted B

This week saw my first outing with TLE, a charter with GWR 0-6-0PT 1369 on the South Devon Railway from Buckfastleigh.  The day was most enjoyable!  Within the limitations imposed by a lack of watering facilities (for the loco, not the participants!) and the fickle nature of the sun, the event was well-run and I came away with some nice shots.  I've already booked up for a second event with TLE next month, and expect I will do more in the future.  Highly recommended!

Brian T

Thanks to Neil and the TLE  team for a well organised visit to Didcot last Saturday, (30/4/16). The weather played ball and I got some great photos especially in the shed. I've already booked a September trip to ' STEAM ' and I look forward to many more photo opportunities with TLE.

Philip G

Despite a gloomy weather forecast, Saturdays photoshoot at North Weald, was absolutely superb, with excellent photo opportunities. Some late afternoon sunshine, preceded a clear evening, when both aircraft were 'fired up'. With thanks to Neil. his team, the re-enactors, and the chief pilot of Hanger 11, Peter Teichman.

Neil E