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I attended both the night shoots on the South Devon Railway, and thoroughly enjoyed them. Both events were well organised and provided a whole host of photographic opportunities. A credit to the TLE team.

Robert S

My first of many, TimeLine Events was to the Halifax early in 2015. It was a well organised and friendly event, nothing was rushed. Neil and his team put together a fantastic night, the addition of re-enactors added depth to the day. My creative skills were challenged, and improved over the year. Roll on 2016 where I hope to challenge them further. In short, a fun event run by photographers for photographers of any level.

Jason G

ProTog event at Didcot 21st Oct. The most fascinating experience I had during the event, were the lighting and smoke setups. Coupled with the tips given by Mark the Pro, it allowed me to extend my understanding of my Olympus camera and lens in low light situations (low & high ISO, tripod & handheld, Colour & B&W). The reenactors gave the evening a real sense of authenticity to the atmosphere of the steam sheds at night.

Alan P

Evening with Tornado at Didcot Railway Centre - This was my first event with TimeLine Events and I have to say that despite the best efforts of the weather to ruin things it was a really enjoyable evening. I had the chance to take pictures that I would normally never be able to. The lighting and the re-enactors really gave it that something extra. It also helped for me, a novice at this sort of thing, to have people around me who knew what they were doing to setup the shots and give me inspiration. After viewing some of the pictures others posted I now have even more ideas for the next time - I'm sure there will be a next time, since this went so well and was so enjoyable. Thanks to Neil and the team, the crew of Tornado and of course the re-enactors.

Mark R

Just a short note to say how much I enjoyed the above. This was my first TimeLine Event, and I shall definitely be back to do some more. The re-enactors really suit the environment in which they belong and I thought the smoke machines really added to the atmosphere! Thanks again!

Rob H

A fantastic well organised event by TLE and the re-enactors. They know how to setup an event, lots of photo opportunities for amateurs and professional, at all levels of experience. Worth the expense and travel to see the Lancaster with the engine run.
