1. ***SOLD OUT***

    A once in a lifetime opportunity with Avro Lancaster Bomber NX611 Just Jane, 21st January 2017
Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre, East Kirkby, Spilsby PE23 4DE

***SOLD OUT***

A once in a lifetime opportunity with Avro Lancaster Bomber NX611 Just Jane, 21st January 2017

A very unique opportunity to photograph a Lancaster as never seen before in modern times while also raising money for her new paint.


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4 tickets left

About this event

Lancaster Bomber Just Jane is being prepared for flight, and part of the work this Winter will see a complete strip and re-paint of the aircraft which will facilitate an assessment of the aircraft's aluminum skin and permit any problems encountered to be resolved. To facilitate this work, NX611 will appear at the Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre, East Kirkby as she has never been seen before. 

While extremely rewarding, work of this caliber is hugely expensive running into many hundreds of thousands of pounds; it is therefore our pleasure to be able to help with this by raising money for Jane’s new paint. On the 21st of January we are holding an extremely rare evening of photography allowing those who attend a fantastic opportunity to capture Just Jane as never seen before.

Just Jane is now in her hangar, rigged in a flying attitude on trestles and jacks being cleaned of her old paint and prepared for inspection. It is this unique state we plan to capture using carefully placed lighting and other tools in our armory that will give you the opportunity to create images of this iconic aircraft as never seen before. Liken this to the manufacturing plants of Avro in the 1940’s, a hive of activity and an aircraft being prepared for her début mission, however this time it’s her adoring fans.

While we accept this is far removed from one of our normal dates with Just Jane we do feel the very nature of such an event will appeal to many aircraft enthusiasts and photographer alike so we expect demand to be high, especially given that we are going to keep tickets numbers to 40 to allow plenty of space and time for each attendee to create their own individual interpretation of the event.  If demand is high we will consider running a second date to allow everyone that wishes to attend the opportunity to do so.

Our evening will start after the museum closes at 17.30 and will run until approximately 20.30, thus allowing 3 hours of photographic opportunities.

Event  cost £48.00 per person.

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